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Important Notice

Our website provides information on email, printer, and computer technical support. Please be aware that the support services available are offered by independent third-party vendors and are not affiliated with any specific email service provider, printer brand, or computer manufacturer.

Service Information

Third-Party Vendors: The technical support services offered are provided by independent vendors. We do not endorse or guarantee these services.

No Brand Affiliation: We are not affiliated with any email, printer, or computer brands. Mentions of these brands are for informational purposes only.

Accuracy & Liability

Information Accuracy: We strive for accuracy but cannot guarantee the completeness or reliability of the content. Information may change without notice.

Limitation of Liability: Our website and affiliates are not liable for any damages arising from the use of or reliance on the services or information provided.

Money-Back Guarantee

Eligibility: If you are not satisfied with the technical support services provided, you may request a refund within 30 days of purchase.

Request Process: To request a refund, contact the third-party vendor directly with proof of purchase.

Refund Processing: Refunds will be handled according to the vendor’s refund policy. This website does not process refunds directly.

Legal Information

Governing Law: Disputes will be governed by the laws of the jurisdiction where our site operates.

Dispute Resolution: Disputes will be resolved through binding arbitration in the jurisdiction where our site operates.

Severability: If any part of this disclaimer is invalid, the remaining provisions will remain effective.

Entire Agreement: This disclaimer constitutes the entire agreement regarding the use of our website and services.

Updates & Contact

We may update this disclaimer periodically. Continued use of our site signifies acceptance of any changes. For any questions, please contact us via the contact information on our website.

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